Hi teacher and piano friends! At long last, I have prepared my Piano Practice Books for you to use and download for FREE in your studio for your students (or yourself if you are a self learner!)
I have used these for many years in my studio and they are a great tool for tracking your practice assignments, songs and technique. Please try them out, and I hope you find them helpful!
**ZIP FILE INCLUDES: Covers, Repertoire & Future Repertoire Lists, Practice Plan Pages, Blank Staff Paper, and Instructions for putting the book together. For instructions on usage please see the video below and watch all THREE parts!
The Way It Goes – Late Elementary Level Piano Solo
A repetitive but relaxing motif in the right hand provides the rhythm for the melody in left hand. Use of overlapping sustain pedal keeps a gentle flow throughout. An easy-going piece– this is the way it goes!
To get the free sheet use code PB006FREE when you check out. Click the link below to go to the shop page. No credit card needed!
Also comes free when you sign up for the PianoBea newsletter.