Late Elementary

Monkeys Swing – Digital STUDIO License


Educational Piano Piece by Sharona Clarke

1 Page

STUDIO LICENSE – Allows you unlimited use for your teaching studio


TERMS OF STUDIO LICENSE: This allows you and only you, the purchasing Teacher, unlimited use and printing for your students in your teaching studio. You may bring this file to a print shop for printing if needed. Other teachers within your studio who may wish to use this music must purchase a separate Studio License for their own use. Resale to students is prohibited, though you may charge them for the cost of printing or ink.

SKU: PB003-DS Categories: , ,


A collaboration with Sharona and her young (at the time) niece and nephew. Lauren created the original thematic idea, and Kristian created the story! This piece is sure to please your young students! Very easy to teach by rote since it has recognizable patterns and left hand 2-note chord shapes. Let your playing tell the story of the monkeys hanging out in the trees eating their bananas, and then they start to quickly SWING!